The HED – Higher Education Discovery – is an international open electronic journal circulated on all the continents of the Earth. Просмотров: 551
The HED is an information tool for development of academic mobility, since its goal is to become a global media platform where educational organizations will definitely find partners. Our objective is to help universities in searching for partners abroad. How did the HED appear? The publishing house, that has initiated the HED project, has 12 years of publishing experience. For all these years we have been publishing the leading Russian journal in the area of quality in education - the Accreditation in Education. Our objective is to be in the center of all current events and to track trends of education development. However, our utmost priority is to keep the readers to be informed on these activities and tendencies. Internationalization is one of the leading trends in education. Moreover, the interest to it in the professional community is constantly growing. Our survey conducted among the international departments of universities from different countries indicated the similar results. The Higher Education Discovery Journal is a novel integration media project that became a response to the demand of the present time. If you are an educational organization, and intend to:
declare about yourself in the HED, and
What you can know from the HED:
Andrey Shumelev,
Project Coordinator HED Phone: +7 (8362) 72-40-80
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Читайте в новом номере«Аккредитация в образовании»
№ 7 (123) 2020
Известный американский фантаст Роберт Асприн однажды написал: «Когда на носу кризис, не трать силы на овладение сведениями или умениями, которыми ты не обладаешь. Окапывайся, и управляйся с ним, как сможешь, с помощью того, что у тебя есть». Кризис уже наступил, и обойтись имеющимся инструментарием вряд ли получится. Как жить в новом, дивном мире и развивать потенциал – читайте в 123-м номере «АО».
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